Hot Cross Bun Brownies

If you've chosen to read this post, then you're just like me: still not sick of chocolate after an overindulgent Easter weekend. I only got one Easter egg (and that was from work) but I still feel like I've eaten an absolute mountain of chocolate and sugar, yet I still crave more.

I couldn't think of a better way to get more chocolate and use up leftover Easter goodies than to combine the two for these gorgeous Hot Cross Bun Brownies. I had a couple of my homemade Hot Cross Buns sitting around not being eaten after the Easter Weekend and didn't want to just throw them away, so after remembering seeing a Hot Cross Bun Brownies recipe in my 'Delicious' magazine last month I thought I'd give it a go. It sounded amazing and I have a foolproof brownie recipe. What could go wrong?

Absolutely nothing, really. I'd give it a go if I were you ;)


175g unsalted butter
65g cocoa powder
340g soft brown sugar
2 eggs
100g plain flour
50g white chocolate chips
1 hot cross bun, torn into pieces


Preheat the oven to 170˚C.

In a large bowl, soften the butter by placing in the microwave until partially melted. Add the cocoa powder and the brown sugar. Add the eggs, both at once, and beat until fully combined. Add the flour, then the white chocolate chips and the torn pieces of the bun. Mix until everything is evenly distributed, then place in a lightly greased square tin (I use a silicon case as it's easier to pop the brownie out later on), pushing the mixture into the corners.

Bake for 25 - 28 minutes. Leave to cool in the tin and pop out later. Cut into 12 equal pieces.

Cutting into a brownie is always amazing. It's crunchy on the outside but oh-so gooey and chewy on the inside. This brownie is just on another level, though. Not only do you get the inside/outside contrast of soft and hard, the white chocolate chips add extra crunch, too. I've always loved the combination of white and dark, rich chocolate and it's perfect here.

The pieces of Hot Cross Bun make the taste even greater. Their slightly spicy flavour give a tangy subtlety to the brownie that surprises you as you chew. Sometimes you get a bite of pure chocolate, and other times you get the feeling you're eating a Hot Cross Bun dipped in chocolate spread. I also love how the buns squishy texture blends in so well to the gooey-ness of the chocolate mix.

I was so happy I gave this recipe a go because it came out so well. It's a great way to use up leftover Hot Cross Buns and still get that chocolate fix I've been craving. My other half was pleasantly surprised at how good they tasted and when I was munching on one at work on my lunch break, people were intrigued by the combination. I love making something different an unexpected, and with how easy they are to make, these little beauties might just become my after-Easter tradition!

What do you do after an overindulgent Easter? Do you have any creative Hot Cross Bun recipes?


  1. I just started to crave brownies. Wonderfully presented by you. Great share, I just can't wait to try them for my kids. Keep posting food blogs.



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