RECIPE: Gooey, crunchy flapjacks.

Flapjacks are a super easy and super quick treat to make, and can be flavoured with so many different sweet things from a kick of cinnamon to a great dollop of honey.

For my version of them, I put a good amount of oats (I tend not to actually measure them out exactly, just plonk them in a bowl until it looks like a hearty amount!) into a bowl with around 125/130g of brown sugar, 125g of butter and 3 overflowing tbsps of golden syrup. Before mixing it all together in a food processor (be careful not to blitz the oats too much, they need to keep a good size and texture) or getting in their with your hands, which is my favourite method, throw in some extra tasty bits and bobs. Like I said above, honey, which is a nice sweetener, or cinnamon, which adds a touch of jazz and spice, are good choices, but you could pop in some chocolate chips or even just add more golden syrup for some extra gooey-ness.

Once you've mixed it all up nicely, grease a tin(s) (I use standard cake tins) and put the mixture in, making sure it isn't a thin layer because you want some nice chunky squares. If you want them to be a little crispier and more like a biscuit, leave them a tad thinner than normal and the edges will brown up nicely and be perfectly crunchy.

Pop them in the oven for around 20 mins on 160/170ยบC, keeping an eye on them so they don't burn or overcook. When the top is a nice golden brown, take them out, remove from the tins and leave to cool. They're best eaten when still warm, so don't leave them too long!

For even more fun and indulgence, eat with a splash of cream or ice cream.

If you have any ideas for extra ingredients to add or try, let me know in the comments! 


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The Blogger

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