Whole roasted gammon w/ roasted white & sweet potatoes.

Gammon is one of my absolute favourite meats as it's juicy, delicious and gorgeously tender when cooked just right. The recipe for this joint was taken from The Meat Cookbook (which will come up frequently on this blog...) by DK, that gives a great step-by-step guide to cooking the meat and making the marinade for a great, golden and crispy skin.

The recipe suggests about 2 and a half hours in the oven, with the marinade (made from marmalade, honey, brown sugar, mustard, pineapple juice and a pinch of salt) being added before the last thirty minutes after the hard crackling has been removed. Be careful when removing the crackling, though, that you don't remove all the fat with it - you still want some for a bit of indulgence!

For the roasted diced potatoes (remember to use white & sweet for two complementary flavours and textures), don't peel, just simply dice up the potatoes into decent sized chunks and throw into an ovenproof dish with salt and pepper to taste. They'll need around 40-45 minutes to get really soft, and for some extra flavour, pour some of the excess meat juice over them around 15 minutes before they're done - it'll give the potatoes a little kick and keep them moist.

If you really want the potatoes to absorb the meat juice, you could pile them around the joint and roast the two together, but make sure you have a big enough dish and don't pile everything too high. You want all the potatoes to be evenly cooked and all juicy.

There's plenty of other veg you could use with this dish too, like green beans or broccoli (pretty much anything, really!) so be creative with it!

Serve everything piping hot, and carve the meat into thick and hearty slices. The end piece should be super tasty and wonderfully crunchy, so if that's your thing, grab that slice quick, tuck in and enjoy!


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