Easter Cupcake Extravaganza!

Easter is well and truly upon us (cue the shouts of "EASTER IS COMING!", Stark style), and I'm looking forward to heading home, back to family, this weekend. A Sunday roast is a rare thing in mine and Jason's lives, so I'll be happily chowing down on one of my Mum's on Sunday and enjoying every last bite and every last slurp of some real gravy; instant just can't beat the true thing, no matter how hard it tries!

I'll also enjoy some great baking while at home, I'm sure. Easter is an odd time for me treat wise, though. I like chocolate, but not enough to scoff a whole egg, and I can't stand hot cross buns. So what to eat (read: indulge in) and what to bake?

The answer is the usual: cupcakes.

I know, I know, two cupcake posts in a row, 'try something else' I hear you cry! But when all else fails (the failing here being my tastebuds and their hatred of hot cross buns and all things Easter), I'll always go back to my faithful old recipe, learnt from my wonderful Mum. She taught me everything I know and it's like a little piece of home biting into a cake made from the recipe she repeated to me so many times it's now impossible to forget. And why would I want to forget it!? It's fabulous, and so ridiculously fun to play around with.

Words can't describe how chocolatey my hands got making these gorgeous little nested cupcakes! Words also can't describe how chocolatey they tasted and the way my friends eyes lit up when I opened up a cake tin with them inside. I think "Oh my dear god" was the main reaction, and then chocolate bliss followed, with a possible sugar rush later on. No complaints though, and that's all I can ask for!

If you want to wow your family and friends with the indulgence, simply whip up a standard batch of cake mix, let them cook and leave to cool. Then mix melted chocolate (milk or dark, that's your preference) with cornflakes. In large muffin cases, a fair size bigger than the cases you cooked your cakes in, place the chocolate cornflake mixture in a layer on the bottom, then build it up around the sides, leaving a whole in the middle. It's fiddly work and there isn't much of a method to it but the results are worth getting messy! Pop them in the fridge to cool and harden for a few hours, and once done, cut a hole in the top of the cakes and fill with Nutella and 2 Mini Eggs. Perfection!

If you want something a little less decadent though, just put a small spoonful of the chocolate cornflake mix on each cake and perch a Mini Egg on top. Just as tasty, and just as impressive I promise you. Go even further with this if you want and flavour your cakes. Orange and chocolate are a fabulous mix, so add some surprise by flavouring with orange zest and watch people have a When Harry Met Sally moment!

Whatever you choose to do, bake or eat this Easter, have a wonderful time, and do let me know what your favourite Easter treats are!


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The Blogger

23 year old clumsy person, Instagram addict and documentary enthusiast.

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