Foodie fun: Cheeseburger Casserole.

Yes, it's as weird as it sounds, but wonderfully tasty!

This meal comes to you courtesy of my long suffering boyfriend, Jason, who cooks a lot in our house (maybe even more than me, oops!) and he's got a knack for throwing stuff together, or finding weird recipes, and making it work.

He found this one online and it was pretty simple: brown the mince, drain, add onion and leave on a low heat. Beat together 4 eggs and 4oz cheese, decanting mince into a ovenproof dish before pouring this mixture over the top. Cover with more cheese and pop in the oven for 20 mins until cheese is melted, crispy and the whole kitchen smells gorgeous. 

Now don't be put off by the ugliness of the inside of this dish (which I unfortunately don't have a picture of!) because it is amazingly tasty and indulgent and could be jazzed up in a lot of ways, be it adding spring onion to the cheese on top or trying out other cheese types like Red Leicester.

An easy recipe that's delicious, versatile and good comfort food for a cold Saturday night! 


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